Register today for the
40th Annual NVVR Reunion

August 14-17, 2025

Younes Conference Center South
416 Talmadge St. – Kearney, NE


Vietnam vets are now in their 70s and 80s. Illness/death is making it harder for reunion planners to host reunions. Please consider contacting the “Outstate Nebraska” 2025 committee.

1. Ask a Vietnam vet to attend with you … especially those who have never attended.
2. Put up a reunion poster in your local veterans’ organizations.
3. Contact Pat at 308-233-1612 or [email protected] to sign-up and help at the reunion.
4. Ask your local businesses for raffle prizes and deliver them to the reunion.
5. Relay any good speakers or programs to our local committee.
6. Solicit local publicity including newspaper, radio or t.v.
7. Share or create content on your social media sites.